Create a customer-centric strategy

Business Intelligence & Customer Analytics


Why should you bet on Business Intelligence and Customer Analytics?

Fonte: McKinsey | Betterbuys


de increase in sales provided by the use of customer behavior information


More likely to make decisions faster


de increased return on investment in Analytics solutions when compared to other solutions

LVENGINE implements the Intelligence and Analytics solutions that boost your business, focusing on the areas that can bring you the greatest return.

Business Intelligence

Extract the fundamental decision support KPIs of your business, design dynamic report dashboards that cross information related to Customers, Sales, Products, After-Sales Service, Finance, Logistics, among others.

Customer Analytics

Obtain and analyze information and indicators throughout the customer's experience and journey, in their interactions with Marketing, Sales and Service, before and after purchase, and in the various interaction channels between the customer and the business.

Technologic solutions

Business Intelligence Solution
Customer Experience Analytics
CRM – Customer Relationship Management

Customers who use our solution

Gain insights into your customers and business